欧洲杯(买球)下单平台·官方网站-2024App Station

Urban Services

CNTY has excelled in waste classification by fully taking advantage of its expertise. CNTY’s waste classification pilot projects and demonstration communities are distributed across Shanghai, Guangdong, Tianjin, Hubei, Zhejiang, Jiangsu and other parts of China, becoming headlines nationwide and once reported by the financial channel of China Central Television. CNTY’s waste classification business has three highlights: proprietary smart classification waste bins with four compartments, CNTY Intelligent Urban Service Cloud Platform, and special waste collection stations, service stations as well as sorting centers.

The four-compartment smart waste bins have been patented and we enjoy the intellectual property right. They are equipped with sensor lids and fully sealed compartments, which has solved the problem of odor. The number of compartments can be adjusted flexibly according to local classification policies and thus could be used in different cities.

The CNTY Intelligent Urban Service Cloud Platform has also been patented. It uses the Internet, big data, the Internet of Things (IoT) and public information management system to collect information, analyze data and monitor movements. It not only offers more user-friendly services for recyclables collection, but also achieves real-time management and supervision for classification facilities, vehicles and personnel.

CNTY’s special waste collection stations combine the functions of waste collection, the distribution of waste bags and publicity. This has completely changed what a waste dumping station used to look like.

The CNTY classification service station has become a comprehensive service center in the community by providing services such as environmental protection credit inquiry, credit-for-gift exchange, package drop-off and pick-up as well as book sharing.

CNTY’s waste sorting center handles municipal solid waste classification, including sorting and compression before the waste is transferred for further treatment. The sorting center also presents waste classification educational exhibits, where residents can learn about the benefits and necessity of waste classification through photographs, videos, displayed items, and games.

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