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Binzhou Tianying EcoEnergy Helps Destroy Fake and Shoddy Products

On March 13, Market Supervision Bureau of Binzhou destructed fake and shoddy products at Binzhou Tianying EcoEnergy. Party Secretary and Director of Binzhou Market Supervision Bureau, Mr. Lao Jiangang attended the event and delivered a speech.

The items destroyed were confiscated by the Binzhou Market Supervision Bureau in the course of daily law enforcement, special operations, complaint resolution. They include daily necessities, cosmetics, and liquor with a total value of about RMB 530,000. The staff at Binzhou Tianying strictly followed legal procedures and carried out central destruction of the confiscated items through incineration and dismantling to achieve harmless treatment safe processing.

Destruction of fake and shoddy products is part of the ambition of Market Supervision Bureau to fight against unlawful acts, protect consumer interests and create a more secure market environment. It is also an important embodiment of CNTY’s long-term social commitment and has strongly enhanced our social image.


Secretary Lao at His Speech

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