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Fuzhou Tianying exercised emergency rescue drill in methane pipeline leakage

     In the morning 20 Jun 2014, to carry out the 13th National "safety production month", Lianjiang County safety Committee and Fuzhou Tianying Environmental Protection Energy Co., Ltd sponsored the "2014 annual Lianjiang County methane pipeline leakage accident emergency rescue drill" in Fuzhou tianying.
    Ye Jian, deputy director of Fuzhou Municipal Bureau of work safety, Lin Xianqing, deputy director (vice mayor) of Lianjiang County Committee and executive county live built bureau, Safety Supervision Bureau, Public Security Bureau, traffic bureau and other 19 units of the leadership, the township, the Development Zone, gas and other key enterprises in the relevant person in charge of a total of more than 150 people, in the accompanied by the general manager of operation management, Li Aijun, and Li Shantong general manager Fuzhou Tianying watched the scene.
    At 9:30, the training commander Lin Xianqing (deputy mayor) announced drills begin. At 9:32, the personnel on duty Chen Xijun found leaking sewage pipeline flange station methane collection pipe network in daily inspection, then immediately report to the chief of central control room Tan Xiyun. Then Tan Xiyun remote start the fire pump, and reported the accident to the duty manager Zhang xinjian. 9:38 Zhang xinjian rushed to the scene of the accident, see after the accident made a report to the general manager of the company Li Shantong, General Li decided to launch the emergency response plan, and set up a Li Shantong for on-site command commander, Zhang Xinjian as vice commander. Soon the broadcasting system alerts: "sewage station methane pipeline leak, please prepare to evacuate according to the emergency plan route, the rescue team quickly arrived at the designated location!” 9:40, commander Li Shantong rushed to the scene, the rescue team has arrived at the scene and quickly according to the plan to separate action, a group dial 110, and arrange the member to the 104 National Highway - 110 linkage emergency rescue team; alert set anti Ming fire ring line; emergency service staff wearing protective group for plugging, the discharge leak spray dilution, otherwise people will measure wind direction, wind speed and the leakage of methane concentration uninterrupted report to command; evacuation guidance group organized evacuation; logistics group, promptly notify the company's existing vehicle arrived at the designated location, ready to support personnel. At nine forty-seven, the methane concentration increased gradually, Li Shantong ordered the evacuation of the site. Nine fifty, evacuation group report all plant personnel after the inventory without casualties, no missing, emergency rescue force of police and 120 ambulance personnel 110 linkage have arrived at the scene.
    At 9:53, county fire brigade vehicle arrived at the scene, security coordinator Yang Tianjun briefly explains the leakage, fire brigade quickly adjust deployment, rescue. 10:00, with the surrounding environment of methane concentration is reduced to zero, surface water, sewage, sewage interception total drainage to the emergency pool, training commander Lin County announced drill to end. The entire exercise took half an hour, exercises standardized and orderly, safe and efficient, and it acquired a complete success.
    All staff of Fuzhou Tianying shall take the opportunity of the emergency rescue drill, focus on “Strengthen the consciousness of the red line, promote safety development" completely implement safe production responsibility system; improve the safety production support capability and their ability to deal with emergencies, to ensure safety in production.



The chief commander of the drill site comment on the scene



Drill scene

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